Hide and Seek Virtual Story Time with Ms. Mary – Family

Opening Song

Book: How to Find a Fox by Nilah Magruder (Scholastic)

Rhyme: Here is a Cave
Here is a cave. Inside is a bear. (bend fingers on one hand; put thumb inside)
Now he comes out to get some fresh air. (pop out thumb)
He stays out all summer in sunshine and heat.
He hunts in the forest for berries to eat. (move thumb in a circle)
When snow starts to fall, he hurries inside
His warm little cave and there he will hide. (put thumb inside fingers)
Snow covers the cave like a fluffy white rug.
Inside the bear sleeps all cozy and snug. (place one hand over the other)

Flannel: “Five Green and Speckled Frogs”
Five green and speckled frogs
Sitting on a hollow log
Eating the most delicious bugs, yum, yum
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool
Now there are four green, speckled frogs, ribbit, ribbit

Book: Everybunny Counts by Ellie Sandall (Simon & Schuster)
everybunny dance cover image

Flannel: There’s an Animal in Story Time
There’s a Bear in Story Time oh no! What are we going to do?
As long as there’s a Bear in story time, she’ll have to learn her alphabet too. (Sing alphabet song like a bear)

Repeat with Owl and Frog. End with singing the alphabet with kids in story time

Book: Bear & Hare: Where’s Bear? By Emily Gravett (Simon & Schuster)

Song: Bunny Breaths
(Modified from Kira Willey: Mindful Moments for Kids)

Song: “If You’re A Bear and You Know It” (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re a polar bear and you know it, clap your paws
If you’re a polar bear and you know it, clap your paws
If you’re a polar bear and you know it, and you really want to show it.
If you’re a polar bear and you know it, clap your paws

Additional verses:
If you’re a black bear and you know it…show your teeth
If you’re and grizzly bear and you know it …give a growl

Closing Rhyme